Lyrics, Songwriting, Writing

Today’s the Day!

Happy 90th Birthday to Dr. Barry Harris! Many of his loved ones, friends, and students are gathering tonight in New York City to celebrate this wonderful occasion. I want to take this opportunity to post my crazy little birthday song in the hopes that I can sing it to him at some point.

Happy birthday, Barry! And happy birthday to anyone who hears this song on the day chosen for them to be born here on planet Earth (big smile). Today’s the Day!

Listen to “Today’s the Day!” by clicking here.

Today’s the Day
An original “Happy Birthday” song
by Laurie Early.

Today’s the day
today’s the day
today’s the day that
you were born
and the world’s
not been the same
not since
you learned your name
on this wonderful day
when you were born.

Today’s the day
today’s the day
today’s the day that
you were born
and the world’s
not since
we heard your name
so here’s a HOORAY!
that you were born
on this wonderful,
marvelous, glorious,
(can’t say enough
‘cause it’s totally magical)
day when you were born

This day is so lucky
it was chosen
as your day
to be born!
Happy Birthday!


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